At the current moment there are more than several tens of Hide IP Soft on the Net.
The complete list of all available and often updated Hide IP Soft you may see in my post Hide IP Soft Big List.
Today I would like to tell you about the most difficult parts of Hide IP Soft Trends.
So, what is the prospect of Hide IP Soft? What should we expect in future?
First of all, of course it is an expanded list of IP addresses. The main issue here is taking a control over spammers, carders and other hackers who are using Hide IP Soft in their “dark deals”.
Let me remind, that the initial purpose of Hide IP Soft is to give Internet users an access to the parts of the Internet where it is closed for some reason: government or Internet provider has blocked web site for a particular IP address; forum or blog moderators have banned IP address.
The second sore point which many moderators are interested in, is the illegality of Hide IP Soft using to access web sites (blogs, forums, social sites and others) after the IP address has been banned for spam or other illegal action of a user.
To resolve this issue, I had consulted with one Hide IP Soft creators and got the following answers:
“Hide IP Soft is just a medicine for the disease. We cannot be responsible for its usage as a drugstore cannot find out what way their products are used.”
And the last but not the least citation which is very actual nowadays:
“We are doing our best to achieve the highest results in fighting with pirates who use Hide IP Soft illegally or for illegal purposes. The usage of Dedicated Personal IP addresses is the first step in the right direction here. With their help it will be easy as to catch carders and different hackers who use our servers. We are fair with our customers. If you want to be secure in the Internet, if you trust us completely, you use our Hide IP Soft. You always have a choice: Trust us and secure your IP address and data or trust your luck and show your IP address and data for everyone in the Internet”
To be honest with you, I think that the last citation opens Hide IP Soft trends in perfectly. Hide IP Soft users in their turn realize that it is very important to use Hide IP Soft in modern times. And other people, who suffer for old “grandpa” ways of securing with the help of public proxy servers and socks servers, still hope for the best. But these services provide only imaginary protection in the Internet.
Have a good time in the Internet and free Internet surfing to you.
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Hide IP Soft of the week - SmartHide - hide IP using proven Hide IP Soft.