Almost the half of Russian citizens are not against information’ limitation in the Internet without a court decision and are satisfied with the work of prohibited sites’ register, argues a “Public opinion” fund’ poll. The prohibited sites’ register started its work in the beginning of November, 2012 within the “Protection Of Children From Harmful Information” law. The list includes sites with a child pornography, suicide propaganda, drugs etc.

The public opinion poll was carried out among 1,5 thousand of Russians in 43 regions. 54% of citizens and 77% of active Internet users knew about the register In the begging of December, 2012. Among those who knew about it 47% of respondent Internet users were for its introduction. 43% of Russians and 44% of active Internet users are not against from out-of-court decisions to block some information, but 23% of people in Russia and 29% of Net users support court decisions. Censorship opponents are in the minority. They are 14% wholly among Russians and 15% among Internet users.
According to a Protection Of Children From Harmful Information law 41% of Net users are ready to complaint to Russian Federal Surveillance Service for Mass Media and Communications ( Roscomnadzor) about a prohibited content. According to Aleksandr Oslon the head of the POF, “public opinion always will be on the side of those who struggle for the cleanness even if it connected with the Internet”. As he says it is not normal to protest against censorship, and those who woll say that the black list limits his freedom will face with a misunderstanding of others at least until limitations goes over the reasonable line.
The expert Aleksandr Demidov said that “the order of the country is more important for citizens then a freedom and people will continue to support such kinds of limitations in the Internet”.
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The public opinion poll was carried out among 1,5 thousand of Russians in 43 regions. 54% of citizens and 77% of active Internet users knew about the register In the begging of December, 2012. Among those who knew about it 47% of respondent Internet users were for its introduction. 43% of Russians and 44% of active Internet users are not against from out-of-court decisions to block some information, but 23% of people in Russia and 29% of Net users support court decisions. Censorship opponents are in the minority. They are 14% wholly among Russians and 15% among Internet users.
According to a Protection Of Children From Harmful Information law 41% of Net users are ready to complaint to Russian Federal Surveillance Service for Mass Media and Communications ( Roscomnadzor) about a prohibited content. According to Aleksandr Oslon the head of the POF, “public opinion always will be on the side of those who struggle for the cleanness even if it connected with the Internet”. As he says it is not normal to protest against censorship, and those who woll say that the black list limits his freedom will face with a misunderstanding of others at least until limitations goes over the reasonable line.
The expert Aleksandr Demidov said that “the order of the country is more important for citizens then a freedom and people will continue to support such kinds of limitations in the Internet”.
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