In 2012 a number of Internet users reached 2 billion 400 million people,that is more than 34% of the population. It’s popularity has reached such proportions that the web and web-pages, even had its own Catholic patron (though still unofficially) Isidore of Seville. Television, that has always been an effective tool of propaganda, gradually losing its viewers, confusing the Web. It is logical that the Internet can not attract the attention of officials responsible for the supply of the "right" information.
Leaders in the of Internet censorship spreading are China and a number of Islamic countries. Arab countries like Pakistan and Iran, as a rule block sites for religious reasons.
The PRC government, in turn, openly "protects" citizens from unwanted information. In China, the system of "Golden Shield" ("China's great firewall"), according to which all sites are filtered by keywords, "the State Security" also in the blacklist of web-pages. With significant restrictions in China started its work the major search engines Google and Yahoo, and all the Chinese sites must be registered with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. Victim of such an information policy was "Wikipedia", which was banned in China under the pretext of "combating propaganda of violence in the media".
In addition, the Chinese segment of the Internet operates "Umaodan" - grouping, consisting of about 300 thousand bloggers and forum users who express a positive view of the government of China, the Chinese Communist Party and ongoing public policy. Informal name for the virtual party comes from the word "Mao" - the monetary measures is half yuan (about 2.5 rubles.).So much for the bloggers get one positive comment on the activities of the state.
However, the government of China is not limited to virtual methods. In 2011 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has published a report that described the increasing pressure on Chinese journalists above the "Arab Spring." The protests in countries where there were coups, began with the organization of demonstrations in social networks, so the events of the "Arab Spring" is often called "the revolution through Facebook". The Chinese authorities have reacted very badly on the calls for a "Chinese Jasmine Revolution", which appeared in the Internet. Many journalists, bloggers, human rights, culture and civil society activists have been illegally detained and tortured.
Eg Chinese brothers decided to follow the regime of Vladimir Putin on 1 September 2012 force of law "On the protection of children from harmful to their health and development information". The document signed by the former President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev in July 2011 aims to protect children from the devastating, traumatic information that influence on their psyche, an overabundance of cruelty and violence in popular media sources. The document also includes the protection of the child from information that could develop his vicious propensities and form a "distorted view of the world and the wrong attitudes."
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Leaders in the of Internet censorship spreading are China and a number of Islamic countries. Arab countries like Pakistan and Iran, as a rule block sites for religious reasons.
The PRC government, in turn, openly "protects" citizens from unwanted information. In China, the system of "Golden Shield" ("China's great firewall"), according to which all sites are filtered by keywords, "the State Security" also in the blacklist of web-pages. With significant restrictions in China started its work the major search engines Google and Yahoo, and all the Chinese sites must be registered with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. Victim of such an information policy was "Wikipedia", which was banned in China under the pretext of "combating propaganda of violence in the media".
In addition, the Chinese segment of the Internet operates "Umaodan" - grouping, consisting of about 300 thousand bloggers and forum users who express a positive view of the government of China, the Chinese Communist Party and ongoing public policy. Informal name for the virtual party comes from the word "Mao" - the monetary measures is half yuan (about 2.5 rubles.).So much for the bloggers get one positive comment on the activities of the state.
However, the government of China is not limited to virtual methods. In 2011 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has published a report that described the increasing pressure on Chinese journalists above the "Arab Spring." The protests in countries where there were coups, began with the organization of demonstrations in social networks, so the events of the "Arab Spring" is often called "the revolution through Facebook". The Chinese authorities have reacted very badly on the calls for a "Chinese Jasmine Revolution", which appeared in the Internet. Many journalists, bloggers, human rights, culture and civil society activists have been illegally detained and tortured.
Eg Chinese brothers decided to follow the regime of Vladimir Putin on 1 September 2012 force of law "On the protection of children from harmful to their health and development information". The document signed by the former President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev in July 2011 aims to protect children from the devastating, traumatic information that influence on their psyche, an overabundance of cruelty and violence in popular media sources. The document also includes the protection of the child from information that could develop his vicious propensities and form a "distorted view of the world and the wrong attitudes."
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