IKEA hypermarket
Swedish edition free newspaper Metro was the first who wrote about this, saying that Saudi directory contains exactly the same pictures as in other countries, except for the conspicuous absence of women. A company representative confirmed this information in an interview with AFP.
"We deal with this problem and having some talks with Saudi our franchise", - says Ulrika Englesson Sandeman , a spokesman for Inter Ikea Systems, which owns the world-famous brand. In particular, it noted that in entering the new market the company is constantly striving to find a balance between their own values, and local laws and culture, which may not be consistent. The incident caused a real shock in Sweden, which attaches great importance to gender equality.
Middle Ages
"It is impossible to remove and erase women from the real world. If Saudi Arabia it is not allowed for women to be seen and heard, does not allowed for them to work, women are deprived of the half of the intellectual capital", - said in a statement the Minister for Trade Ewa Björling (Ewa Björling). "This medieval" - outraged at Twitter Minister for EU Affairs Birgitta Ohlsson (Birgitta Ohlsson).
Ikea has opened three stores in Saudi Arabia, which for the past five years showed "double-digit" growth. There are strict rules for the separation of men and women. The fair sex have only the most limited rights. For example, they are not allowed to drive in and out of the house without wearing the veil.
September 25, Ikea has spawned a lot of talks after the removing of one photo from the Russian-language version of its website. It showed four men in colored hoods worn by participants Pussy Riot. In an effort to cater to each and every company only burned his wings.
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