Hello for everyone. In this short post I will try to tell you about 4 old ways that you may still use in your daily activity and even do not know that there are much more new ways to bring yourself Internet anonymity.
The thing is that old ways are not very secure for modern Internet, because technologies go along and, therefore hackers too. :-)
In this situation, many software developers are searching new ways to create Hide IP Soft of a new generation. The common issue as always, stays - investment. To create a useful Hide IP Soft one should have some expirience and money.
But what exactly should we call old ways for IP address hiding?
There are 4 of them:
1. Transparent Proxy ServerType of proxy server that shows your real IP address through the http headers. Such kind of proxies are used to speedup the web browsing because thay have a very good ability to cache websites. In real they do not hide IP address. It is widely known as transparent proxy because it will expose your real IP address to the web.
2. Anonymous Proxy ServerType of proxy server does not show a real IP address. It is detectable, but ensure proper anonymity for Internet users. This hide IP Soft will hide your IP address.
3. Distorting Proxy ServerType of proxy server shows an incorrect real IP address available through the http headers. It will hide IP address.
4. High Anonymity Proxy ServerType of proxy server does not show original IP address. This Hide IP Soft will hide your IP address.
Which Proxy Server is the best to Hide My IP ?Firstly, you should understand that this question is not appropriate in our age anymore :-)
You even may answer this question better rather than me. Search the Google and you will find millions of proxies and lists.
All they have the following format:
IP:Port Number
Eg: ( is the IP of the proxy server and 8080 is the port number)
Probably each of them don’t work. Even if you have found one that is workable, do not harry up to use it.
This is only the short list of all possible risks and dangerous situations because of proxies.
- Most of them do not work since the proxy servers frequently changes it’s IP/Port number.
- Even if you find a working proxy server it may be too slow.
- Your privacy is not guaranteed since all your traffic is routed through the proxy server.
- The administrators of the proxy servers may steal your valuable information such as passwords,SSN (Social security number),Credit Card details etc.
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