The Roscomnadzor announced the competition on a conclusion of a monitoring Media contract. Its aim is to reveal, to fix and to give a first expert-analytical estimation of materials containing features of the violation of current law of Russian Federation, extremists materials and another illegal content. It was written by the “Izvestia”.

Such competitions are held annually by the Roscomnadzor since 2009. However a technical issue of this competition started to include new points this year: revealing information injures the health and development of children, Media and Internet monitoring with the help of the automotive programme.
The Russian Federal Surveillance Service for Mass Media and Communications ( Roscomnadzor) will give results of the competition in the end of the January and a contract concluded due to the results of this competition will be in force till December 31, 2013. The maximum contract price is 35 million of rubles. In the last year competition won a state company “Informregister”, the contract cost 12 million of rubles with this company was the only pretender.
The purpose of a work within the contract is a monitoring of the meeting the law requirements by the Media to not allow abusing the freedom of a mass information.
The information that the executor will reveal includes: materials, containing public calls to realize terrorist activity or any information justifying terrorism; content that is calling to violence methods aimed at changes of the foundations of the constitutional system, exciting an ethnic, racial and religious strives. Besides it includes publications about the public and knowingly false accusations of state authorities of extremists actions etc.
One more new task is a systematic monitoring. The winner will monitor nearly 2000 different additions a month, it will include also 40 online versions of certain newspapers.
Despite, the work includes some points about Media monitoring. This contract does not imply the operator of the Internet resources register that contains the information that injures child, explained Vladimir Pikov, the representative of the Roscomnadzor.
- The register includes not only Media but also the Internet materials that are not included in the Mass Media Information. At present time we are kipping the register and we do it quite well. The competition does not include the company-register operator, noted Pikov.
Sergey Moiseev, the president of the the Guild of Press Publishers (GIPP) also think that Media monitoring is not something terrible: it is necessary to monitor Media. “ I do not consider monitoring as a censorship”.
The question is “ How the results will be used. Permissiveness and democracy are different things, especially if the matter is about extremism and international relationship”, - said Moiseev.
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Such competitions are held annually by the Roscomnadzor since 2009. However a technical issue of this competition started to include new points this year: revealing information injures the health and development of children, Media and Internet monitoring with the help of the automotive programme.
The Russian Federal Surveillance Service for Mass Media and Communications ( Roscomnadzor) will give results of the competition in the end of the January and a contract concluded due to the results of this competition will be in force till December 31, 2013. The maximum contract price is 35 million of rubles. In the last year competition won a state company “Informregister”, the contract cost 12 million of rubles with this company was the only pretender.
The purpose of a work within the contract is a monitoring of the meeting the law requirements by the Media to not allow abusing the freedom of a mass information.
The information that the executor will reveal includes: materials, containing public calls to realize terrorist activity or any information justifying terrorism; content that is calling to violence methods aimed at changes of the foundations of the constitutional system, exciting an ethnic, racial and religious strives. Besides it includes publications about the public and knowingly false accusations of state authorities of extremists actions etc.
One more new task is a systematic monitoring. The winner will monitor nearly 2000 different additions a month, it will include also 40 online versions of certain newspapers.
Despite, the work includes some points about Media monitoring. This contract does not imply the operator of the Internet resources register that contains the information that injures child, explained Vladimir Pikov, the representative of the Roscomnadzor.
- The register includes not only Media but also the Internet materials that are not included in the Mass Media Information. At present time we are kipping the register and we do it quite well. The competition does not include the company-register operator, noted Pikov.
Sergey Moiseev, the president of the the Guild of Press Publishers (GIPP) also think that Media monitoring is not something terrible: it is necessary to monitor Media. “ I do not consider monitoring as a censorship”.
The question is “ How the results will be used. Permissiveness and democracy are different things, especially if the matter is about extremism and international relationship”, - said Moiseev.
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